菲律宾十大彩票平台的包容性,多样性和公平性(IDE)计划的核心是一套 five goals.

GOAL 1: Capacity Build the institutional capacity, resources, 参与包容性工作所需的专门领导, diversity, and equity (IDE) broadly, including implementing and sustaining the IDE Plan.

这个目标是建立我们对IDE的承诺,以及实现这一承诺的能力. 我们力求使公平和包容成为我们所有进程和行动的中心因素, so that IDE isn’t merely an “add-on” to business as usual, 而是改变这些过程和行动的催化剂. 校园里已经有很多重要的(并且深受赞赏的)IDE工作在进行, 我们希望确保这项工作仍然集中在改善生活体验的行动上, learning, and working at Carleton. 我们还希望确保校园社区广泛参与工作,以使我们的校园公平和包容.

Among the strategies for achieving this goal: 创建一个由副总裁级别的首席多元化官领导的IDE办公室, 制定和实施在整个学院审计公平的方法, and providing and incentivizing training in equity-minded, 为处于领导地位的人制定包容性决策.

Goal 1 Objectives and Strategies

GOAL 2: Representation Significantly increase representation of students, faculty, and staff from underrepresented populations.

我们要确保我们社区的所有部分都能最大程度地代表我们国家和世界的多样性, 该计划寻求在实现这一目标方面取得可衡量进展的途径. 校园里不同的群体在这方面带来了不同的挑战和机遇. For example, 随着时间的推移,学生人数比教职员工人数变化得更快. 菲律宾十大彩票平台需要继续发展其网络和渠道,以招募和留住多元化的学生群体, staff, and faculty.

Among the strategies for achieving this goal: Developing early intervention programs that address the satisfaction and academic success of students from underrepresented groups; creating a faculty recruitment strategy based on closer connections with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), etc., 以及发展向少数族裔服务机构招聘员工的渠道, professionals of color associations, etc.

Goal 2 Objectives and Strategies

GOAL 3: Resources 建立和维持必要的资源和实践,为所有学生提供公平的环境, staff, and faculty to thrive.

这不足以增加我们的教职员工和学生的代表性. 菲律宾十大彩票平台需要确保每个加入我们社区的人都能得到支持和机会,他们需要茁壮成长,充分利用他们在我们校园里的时间——无论是课堂内外. 这一目标下的战略寻求识别和消除基于个人身份导致不同结果的障碍, 并提供支持,以满足多元化社区不断发展的需求.

Among the strategies for achieving this goal: Developing a comprehensive student-support model, including academic advising, counseling, progress monitoring, etc., ensuring that the Ombuds Program is independent and confidential; and removing barriers to progress through major/minor requirements.

Goal 3 Objectives and Strategies

GOAL 4: Engagement 集成并保持与IDE原则的接触, including the full diversity of perspectives, experiences, 以及历史上未被充分代表的声音的智力贡献.

目标4旨在确保我们获得一个包容、多样化、公平的社区的所有回报. 学术事业的建立是为了检验熟悉的和新的思想和观点. 通过欢迎来自各种人类经验的贡献,特别是那些历史上未被充分代表的群体的贡献,我们可以更好地实现这一理想,实现我们培养受过广泛教育的公民和领导人的使命.

Among the strategies for achieving this goal: Designating IDE-specific development funds for designing or redesigning curriculum; exploring the creation of a Center for Race, Gender, Indigeneity, and Social Justice; hosting facilitated community-wide discussions highlighting underrepresented scholars and community members; and exploring new and enhanced options for recognizing student IDE work.

Goal 4 Objectives and Strategies

GOAL 5: Measurable Improvement 展示我们对可衡量的IDE成果改进(保留)的承诺, recruitment, achievement, thriving/belonging, 以及文化能力)通过数据收集和分析以及透明的沟通.

Our last goal has to do with clarity and accountability. 而菲律宾十大彩票平台一直在努力提高自己和它提供的教育体验, when it comes to inclusion, diversity, and equity, 我们缺乏一致的可衡量的目标,缺乏必要的数据收集和分析,以表明学院是否正在实现其愿望. 通过确定具体成果以及负责实现这些成果的办公室和领导职位, 我们将有一个衡量和问责制度,它将告诉我们何时何地取得了成功,何时何地没有成功.

Strategies for achieving this goal: Establishing baselines and measures of student, faculty, and staff recruitment, retention, achievement, thriving, belonging, and cultural competence, 对代表性不足的少数群体给予特别关注, first-generation students, and low-income groups; establishing baselines and measures of the effectiveness of programs set up to promote IDE; assigning clear roles in pursuit of the desired outcomes; identifying the group or groups that have responsibility for oversight; and communicating progress in the areas measured.

Goal 5 Objectives and Strategies


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